Last night I performed at the VIP pre show for the Kylie Minogue concert at Acer Arena in Sydney. It was fabulously styled by Michael Boyd with lots of sequins, feathers, pvc and crazy accessories, and featured myself along with an array of dancers of different styles.
After the show we were given tickets to watch the concert. It was fantastic! The lighting, the costumes, everything was amazing.
Backstage at the Kylie concert
The audience at the Kylie concert
Party at Ivy pool. Super fun day chilling by the pool with yummy cocktails then dancing in the rain that night! I wore an American Apparel singlet, Nookie bikini, Peeptoe shoes and Super sunglasses.
Last week I flew out to New Zealand for some fashion shows over there. I had such a great time! The client flew over a whole bunch of us and we all already knew each other so it was just like one big catch up with some shows thrown in! We stayed at The Heritage Hotel in Christchurch which was a really nice hotel and we had massive rooms which went over two levels. We managed to squeeze in a bit of sightseeing too. We spent an afternoon at Akaroa and another day at the Hanmer Springs. My favourite part of the whole trip was watching the baby lambs playing in the feilds, they were too cute for words!
Last month I was flown down to Melbourne to shoot a Tupperware campaign with photographer Gerard O'Connor and the advertisements have finally come out all across Australia! It was a crazy shoot with circus themed costumes and over the top makeup.
With my Tupperware Advertisement on the street in Sydney
A few months ago I was flown out to Los Angeles to film an episode of America's Next Top Model, Cycle 11!
I arrived in LA after the long flight from Sydney feeling tired, but decided I just had to do some shopping while I was there, so I headed out to Century City for a few hours and spent way too much money!
The next day I headed to the studio and watched Tyra and the judges filming the first elimination. Tyra is even more beautiful in person if that is even possible! I also met Benny Ninja who I would be working with the following day during the shoot. Benny is the shows resident posing instructor and is very lovely and really funny.
I spent the afternoon at my hotel relaxing by the pool which was really nice as it was summer in LA but winter back home so it was nice to get some sun.
On the day of the shoot my driver Ray picked me up from my hotel and we made our way to the set which was an old, dirty warehouse. It was such a hot day and the warehouse didn't have many windows so it was stinking hot!
When the models arrived they walked into the room and saw Benny sitting on a box. When he turned the box around it revealed me inside with my leg over my head!
We were there to teach girls about extreme posing. I demonstrated to them different extreme poses on the box and then one at a time the girls came up to the box and showed us their extreme poses. Then the models stepped inside long red fabric tubes hanging from the ceiling and struck a series of extreme poses while Benny and I instructed them on how to improve their pose.
For me, Sheena did the best on the day and I thought she was very sweet, as were all the girls. In fact, all the crew on set were really friendly, it was great. I had a great time.
I left straight from the shoot to the airport and flew back home. It was a very quick trip but was so much fun!
Arriving at the set
On set with Benny Ninja
Demonstrating some extreme poses
Benny and I instructing Sheena
Benny and I instructing Analeigh
Benny and I instructing McKey
Benny and I demonstrating extreme poses in the fabric tubes
Benny and I instructing the girls in the fabric tubes
Benny and I instructing the girls in the fabric tubes
Last night I performed at the Blackberry Bold launch at the Oxford Art Factory in Darlinghurst. I had half my face painted with silver and glitter by makeup artist Martin Bray which was crazy and felt horrible but looked great. I couldn't wait to take it off though, I had to spend the whole day trying not to smile so that it didn't crack and peel off.
My friend Anna Lunoe was the DJ for the night so it was fun getting to work with her again.
Back in May I had a whirlwind trip to Los Angeles. It was so exciting and I had so much fun. I can't tell you why I was there just yet due to confidentiality agreements but it's really cool!! I arrived feeling completely jet lagged but the second I got off the plane I went shopping! Haha, couldn't help myself! The rest of the trip was pretty much filled with work and meetings, but I managed to get some time to go down for a dip in the pool. I stayed in LA for two nights, then was back on the plane home to Sydney, Australia. I was delirious by the time I got home from the jet lag, but it was totally worth it!
A few days ago I flew to Melbourne for the L'Oreal Melbourne Fashion Festival Just Jeans show. The first day was filled with all the usual stuff...rehearsals, fittings, photo calls and tech runs. We stayed at the Como hotel on Chapel Street so we were in no shortage of great places to grab something yummy to eat after a busy day. The day of the show I arrived at the venue and Aussie band Faker were doing a sound check! Bonus. Had no idea they were playing live during the show! The show was lots of fun and featured face of the brand Elyse Taylor, lots of models, some of Australia's best dancers and band Faker. After the show we headed back to the hotel, ordered room service, watched a movie and crashed into bed.