Sunday, August 1, 2010

Paranoia video clip

A few weeks ago I joined the band Stone Parade to shoot the video for their latest track Paranoia directed by Nick Kacevski.
Shot in a warehouse in Arncliffe one very cold Sunday, we were submerged in a small, old bathtub in a black gooey liquid which I can only describe as feeling like you're lying in very runny jelly. The black goo curdled when mixed with warm water so we had to lie in a bath of cold water in winter for hours! It was so cold I was shaking!! At the end of the clip you see Billy the drummer with steam coming off his body, that's how cold it was, we could actually see steam coming off our bodies, but thank goodness there were some heaters and a hot shower on hand to warm up with between scenes. The worst part about the black goo was that it got all in your eyes and ears and didn't feel very good. I even accidentally swallowed some in one shot, weirdly though it literally tasted like nothing. No taste at all. I got some nice bruises and cuts on my knees and ankles from rolling around on the concrete too.

1 comment:

Simon Leong said...

that is one messy video clip but works well. i was wondering if you got bruises and scratches from the floor. i assume it was quite slippery too. danger zone. catchy song :-)